My Experience at UES | Teen Ink

My Experience at UES

January 14, 2013
By crice BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
crice BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout my high school career, I have volunteered at Urbana Elementary School. There, I assisted in a first grade classroom in the following areas:, grading papers making copies and supporting the needs of the teacher as well as students during instruction time. After volunteering for three years, I was fortunate enough to be able to partake in an internship at Urbana Elementary School. There, I have been able to provide instruction for struggling students during math and vocabulary. I have worked with students on both an individual and group basis. During this time in the classroom, I am able to observe the teaching styles of my fourth grade mentor, Jen Pangborn. Furthermore, I can improve my explanations to the students to guarantee that the children have grasped each concept. In doing this, the teacher has seen improvement in the grades of the students.
Other than helping students, I have been able to work with a number of different teachers with their own personal projects for the school. These include, assembling report cards, making copies, testing students, and working in the front office. During my time at UES, I must demonstrate how to be a positive role model for the all of the students. In doing this, I must be responsible, respectful and dedicated to the students that I impact on a daily basis.
Through my great experience at Urbana Elementary School, I have enjoyed my time working with the students and the rest of the faculty. The best part of the entire experience is knowing that I am benefiting the future to come. My most memorable moment was when a student went up to my mentor and told her that she did not understand the material until I explained it to her. Furthermore, this experience has impacted me, because I have become interested education, therefore, I would like to major in education in college. Of all the great opportunities I had, the most gratifying feeling above all knowing that I have been able to make a difference in a child’s life.

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