Foster Care | Teen Ink

Foster Care

January 2, 2013
By nickmmoore BRONZE, Minot A.F.B, North Dakota
nickmmoore BRONZE, Minot A.F.B, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

When I was just 5 years old I took my younger brother to the park. Little did I know that this would be the last time I really got to see him. My birth mom was a meth user. She was addicted and she couldn't deny it. Someone called the cops due to the little amount of clothing my brother was wearing. The cops came and took me into foster care. The first lady I really remember was an old woman. I do not remember a lot about her except she had a really cool bike for kids and she had Willy Wonka on DVD. The second one was a daycare. I didn't like that house for some reason. I then went back to my birth mom's except I do not remember my brothers being with me. She still used so I was back into foster care within a month. Bruce Harner came to pick me up. He seemed friendly. His kids were even friendlier. They chased me around their yard welcoming me as one of their own. So I stayed with them for a while and then I went back to my birth mom's. She screwed up again so back to the first family. This whole time I barely lived with my birth brothers. So life went on By now I am getting older so I understood more. I was reaching the half point of fourth grade when the foster care system decided that I should be placed with my brother Jeremiah. So once again I packed my bags and moved to another home. Bev and Lee ...That was their names. I didn't know what to expect at all. I remember my first day. I walked up the driveway and say one kid playing soccer by himself(Jacob was his name). Then I saw my brother and I gave him a hug and started to tear up a little. I wished at that moment that our other brother was there. Secondly though, I wished they wouldn't separate us again. They didn't, but I wish we both were in a different family together still though. My brother and me got beat up constantly. I can't lie I beat up a few of the kids that beat him up, but I couldn't beat all of them. So I got beat up defending him and he got beat up for being himself. The kid was only 5! There were twelve year old kids beating him up. Well then we got adopted. Happiest moment of my life and any foster child's life. I got adopted three years ago by Allen and Brooke. That is what the dream for any foster child is. Getting adopted is the best thing that ever happened to me.


*Names were changed due to the problems that could occur with real names.

The author's comments:
This isn't even close to what all happened in foster care with me. God knows what happened to my brothers while they were in foster care. I will start a series about what happened but I will add different people due to confidentiality.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 4 2013 at 10:20 pm
nickmmoore BRONZE, Minot A.F.B, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

Yep, 3 years later and have had our fair share of hardships due to what all happened to me as a kid.

SajaBaja said...
on Jan. 4 2013 at 7:34 pm
SajaBaja, Columbia, Missouri
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Mahatma Ghandi

That's great that you are happy; happiness is all that matters :)