My Trip to Italy | Teen Ink

My Trip to Italy

December 19, 2012
By Charlie Doenitz BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
Charlie Doenitz BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was younger, at the age of about 8, I took an amazing trip to Italy. It was at the end of second grade, going into summer, when my dad informed me that we were taking a one-week vacation to Italy. When I first heard the news, I thought I was dreaming. I just couldn’t believe that I was actually traveling to Europe!

When we first arrived, I couldn’t understand anyone! Luckily, my sister spoke Italian so she was a good translator. We were glad to have someone that could speak both languages in our family.

I come from a long line of family that started in Europe (Germany and Italy). So, when I was young, I heard a lot of stories from my relatives on what Europe is like. Although, I had no idea it was going to be that wonderful.

In Italy, there is never a dull moment. There is always something to see in museums or just in the streets! Oh, and there are cats everywhere!
In the museums, there are a variety of things such as statues, sculptures, and paintings. Out on the street there’s even more forms of art. Some of these are singing, poetry, paintings, and even dancers.

This was probably one of the best vacations I have ever taken in my life, and I hope one day you can see Italy.

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