Rescue | Teen Ink


December 17, 2012
By Alexxii BRONZE, Anderson, Indiana
Alexxii BRONZE, Anderson, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die. Like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume.

My boyfriend is a jerk. Why is this so hard to do. He cheated on me. I have to say it.
" I-I-I" God dang it. I'm stuttering again. Clear my mind... Alright." Drake. I-it's over between us." my hands are going through my long hair a million times a minute, messing it all up. I turn away from him toward the stairs in the back of the school known as the freshman's'' stairs, I know, it makes no since, I'm a Junior and all but whatever. As I take the first stair a tear falls down my face. I had to. I had no choice. By the time I'm at the top of the stairs I've lost it. I'm crying.
I can only think of texting Jessee, my best friend. Sure he's my best friend and a guy, so what?and no, he's not gay either.
God, I'm tired of these shoes. I kick them off in the hall on my way to the bathroom upstairs. No one is ever in there anyway. I text Jessee."can you meet me in the secret bathroom? Pleasssseeeeeeeeeeeee. I'm losing it up here." and I wait for him.
He gets here and I'm so happy, we go into the dull green and white bathroom. He helps me with my hair, with my make-up, with my emotions. I am known for being heartless, ruthless, mean, vindictive, horrible, antagonistic-cheerleader that pushes people into trash cans. That was one time... on accident.
I'm not emotionless, it turns out. When Jessee looks at me I feel my black heart warm up and beat faster and faster. I think I love this boy, too bad he loved me first.

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