Just Me | Teen Ink

Just Me

December 16, 2012
By selmedin BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
selmedin BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A little baby boy came to America from Europe to escape a war torn country which split into three. When the boy and his parent had arrived in America it was hard for the parents to get good jobs that pay well. Eventually the parents had gotten some O.K. jobs but the work was tiring. While the parents worked, the boy was baby sat by a kind elderly woman who took care of other kids his kind. The child was very happy but then he entered grade school. It was in second grade, reality hit him, hit him hard like a semi-truck. He saw and heard things he did not before. It was nothing like what he heard or saw in cartoons, by which he learned to speak English. People fought each other, bullied one another and ignored each other. The first time the boy saw someone else being bullied he was left aghast. What was worse was it was the same guy that was bullying him. He decided to stand up for the poor kid. From that point forward they became each other’s first and best friend. Even though they were inseparable the friend would later leave. With new challenges, enemies and friends to be had in middle school the young boy had to accept life as what it was and carry on. He felt pain, humility, happiness, and love but he especially felt anger. He was angry that people were still being picked on, he was angry that he could have helped and do something but chose not to. He did this because he was scared. He was scared for his future, because as a younger child his parents told him to get good grades and behave well, so he feared that if he stood up and fought it would go on his record and ruin his future. The good news is some of the stuff went away and the boy became happy and befriended a lot of people. After middle school some of his close friends left to go to other schools. So the boy had to brave it out in high school with just himself and a few friends. The boy was still terrified about the future, where he would go to college, what his career would be, and who his real friends would be. To this day he is still worried what the future holds in store for him. But for now he is working hard and enjoying life overcoming challenge after challenge. I am happy to say that, that boy was, is and always will be me.

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