The life of a football star | Teen Ink

The life of a football star

December 16, 2012
By ballin69 BRONZE, Queen City, Missouri
ballin69 BRONZE, Queen City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
go hard or go home

I couldn’t believe she would do this to me. I loved her and gave everything I had to her. I was saving up for a new car. Why did I buy her that laptop and new jacket? I spent all that money on her and she didn’t even want to be with me. She was cheating on me the whole time.

I thought to myself “I still have football I will show her”. She messed up not me now she has to deal with it. I will show her she should have never cheated on me.

I need to find another job because I got to get some money for a new car. I took a job working for an old farmer named Daven Huck outside of town about seven miles. He was a nice old man but he did a lot for his age. I hated my job before it was picking up trash in the park it was so boring.

After I would get done working I would do my running for football. I ran six miles up and down hills trying to get faster every time. I would push hay bails up the hills to work on my strength. I wanted to be a pro football player and play for my favorite team the 49ers.

I am just a freshman in high school and I have been working very hard on trying to start running back but I had to beat out this senior. He wasn’t very good but he was really cocky. I was about to fix that when football season started.

I worked for the farmer for the rest of the summer but now it was time for football to start. This is what I have been working for all summer sense I was six. I went out and showed coach what I could do. He was very impressed, I am starting varsity running back. i am so happy but I know I can’t get lazy because I will lose my spot. The first game is coming up and I think we are pretty good. We all practice to our very best. We never gave up. I broke the rushing record with 497 yards and the old record was only 297 yards. We won that game 86 to 0.

The season went on we had won all our games now we are in the playoffs. We won all three games by and now it was time for the game that really mattered, the championship game. I was getting dressed for the game when the coach came up to me and said “are you ready for tonight?”
I said “yes sir I am”
Coach said “I want you to go out and be a leader. I know you are only a freshman but you have been a leader all year.”
I said “don’t worry I will.”

I finished getting dressed and went out there and played the best game of my life. With seven rushing touchdowns. It was the best day of my life.

As soon as football season was over I started working again on my speed, strength, and agility. I also started working for the farmer again. I was able to save enough money to get my new car so now I can get to places faster.

School was pretty easy for me. I had good grades and I was nice to everyone. I don’t think there was one person that didn’t like me in that school. For the next two years we were state champs. We worked hard for it. There was never an easy moment.

It was my senior year and I was going to try my hardest to have the best season I have ever had. We won all our regular season games and was in the playoffs. We beat each team but twenty points in the playoffs but it was time for the championship game. I was so excited on the way down there I didn’t sleep or eat anything at all.
I was getting dressed for the game I could feel the excitement in the air. We ran out to the field and all the stands were full of people it was so cool. We started playing at the end of the first quarter it was 35 to 0 we was losing. I told the team “there better started playing better if they want to win do it for the coaches guys”.
The team said “yeah we will do it for the coaches!”

At half time it was 42 to 30. We were going to win, I just knew it. There were two minutes left in the game and we were down by five at our own ten yard line. The coach kept calling pass plays, so I called time out and said “ lets do one run play. I promise I wont let you down.”
He looked at me and smiled. He said “you haven’t let me down yet so I will let you call this play.” I ran out and called “45 base”. We only ran this in practice but I knew it was going to work. The quarterback said “set hit” and he gave me the ball and I took off a cheetah that hasn’t ate for 4 days going after his food. I scored the winning touchdown with no time left the crowd went crazy it was the best feeling ever!

I was walking back to the locker room when the coach for the 49ers came and asked “if I wanted to come play with the big dogs?”
I said yes it would be a great honor.”
It was the best feeling ever all the hard work finally paid off. I have been dreaming about this day sense I was a little boy. Dreams can come true with hard work and effort!

The author's comments:
I had to do it for school.

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