I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

November 2, 2012
By Shelby Strama BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Shelby Strama BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
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One day as I was sitting next to my grandmother’s bed, she started crying, but we weren’t allowed to ask her “what’s wrong”.
I asked, “Grandma, why are you crying?”

She said, “Because I’m sick, I don’t want to be sick anymore”.

Tears formed in my eyes as I told her, “It’s okay, everything will be fine”.

Then she said to me something that I will never forget, and that I will forever live my life by.

She said to me “everyone is going to remember me as the lady that cried all the time, not anything else, just that I cried a lot.”
I said to her “Nobody will remember you for that!”

She smiled at me through her tears as she tried to stop crying.

Sadly, that was one of the last conversations I ever had face to face with her.

She passed away a few short days after that, exactly 2 months after my grandpa. There are many things a person learns in their life, most people use the lessons they learn to guide them through life. They learn something maybe from their parents or from past regrets. What I believe in doesn’t come from either of those though. The beliefs that I live my life by come from the wisest people I have ever known in my life; my grandparents. My grandpa always told me to be kind to everyone, “because they may be your boss one day” and he taught me to always stand up for what I believe. My grandparents were my true role models. If I asked them a question they would have an answer, not just an “I don’t know”, they put thought into what they said to me. My grandma would listen to me and my problems and try and help me find a solution, I could talk to her for hours, and she would always make me feel better in the end. My grandpa would listen and give me solution and it was usually always a good one. People say don’t live your life in the past, but that is what guides my life; the past. I didn’t have a chance to ask them the question “what is the most important belief that you hope I will remember throughout my whole life?” Because I don’t have the chance to ask my grandparents that question I just go off of what they have said to me in the past. What they have taught me throughout my years growing up is be kind to everyone you meet, speak out and don’t hide in the shadows, and don’t judge people. People have bad days don’t base everything you know about that person on their one bad day. My grandpa spoke out and had an opinion and I try to be like him as much as I can. I am also like my grandma sometimes; she had an opinion but usually kept it to herself. After everything that has happened to me this year I try my hardest to be kind to everyone I meet, and smile every chance I get. I believe that you should smile to everyone because it might be the only bright thing they see that day. Also, nobody deserves to be remembered or judged for their one bad day. My grandparents meant everything to me, without them I feel like a piece of me is missing. To try and fill that empty space, I try to be who they taught me to be, a kind, opinionated, funny, non-judgmental person, every day of my life. R.I.P Grandpa 2-4-12<3

R.I.P Grandma 4-4-12 <3

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