My First Year as a Freshmen | Teen Ink

My First Year as a Freshmen

November 2, 2012
By Dominic Fitzgerald BRONZE, Independence, Missouri
Dominic Fitzgerald BRONZE, Independence, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day when I first came to high school I was shy and confused because I hardly knew anyone. I never knew where the classrooms were. My sense that I had first, was I saw lots of students in the hallway. Second, I heard a bell ring. The floors had square tiles, most of them were blue, and some of them were red. I didn't know what it was for. Third, I saw lots of people that I didn't know. Since I have been here for awhile I got to know the students, teachers, and the principals. Also ever since I have been here at Truman my years have been great because I get to see my old friends, and make new friends. I used to think life was easy, but I realize life is hard. What I have learned is don’t be shy or confused.

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