My Adventure | Teen Ink

My Adventure

May 9, 2012
By JessicaRae7 GOLD, Buffalo, New York
JessicaRae7 GOLD, Buffalo, New York
14 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Music is the air we breathe." ~Molly Rae Berger
"Being sad is a waste of time." ~Molly Rae Berger
"Girls should never be afraid to be smart." - Emma Watson

The first thing I see is a car popping out of the awning. I instantly recognize it as a blue Ford Angela and I smile. I walk fast toward it, then turn as I see how far ahead of my family I am. I wait impatiently as they come closer. I’m standing right in front of the door, ready to pull my mother, or whoever was going in with me, in. My parents talk for an eternity, thought it most likely was just a minute or two. As soon as they decide on what to do, I pull my mother in.
Every step I take, I get more and more excited, albeit a little anxious. When my mother buys the ticket I’m bouncing. We walk in, and there’s a place set up for a picture as if you’re in the Harry Potter films. I smile, though the long ends of my shirt cover my short jean shorts. We are ushered into a line and wait several more minutes until finally a guide comes to us. We are told no cameras are to be used, which makes me deflate a little but my grin returns as we are lead into the first room. It is a room with several screens, each showing a different picture: Harry’s first year, Harry’s second year, and so on, showing different scenes. Scenes like Snape’s famous: “Turn to page 394,” or Harry and Ginny’s first kiss, or Voldemort coming back, etc.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for Creative Writing about the Harry Potter Exhibition I went to over the summer. Please leave feedback!

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