Parental Thoughts | Teen Ink

Parental Thoughts

February 13, 2012
By SakHor SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
SakHor SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You cant have a million friends, without a few enemies!"

What goes through our parents head?

The day before Valentines, my valentine & I had plans.. So I told my mom & dad those plans..

The plan was to wake up, school called off, then me go over to his house.. There it'd be me, him, and his brothers.. And my parents concern is that I will be the only girl.
Well I completely did not let my dad into the conversation because he was annoying about my boy situation... He made a mean remark, and I said, "Well I'm not hearing any of this stuff.." and madly walked off to my room. He said, "I was just kidding.." and I yelled, "WELL I WASNT!"

Ugh, he's the sweetest dad, but he's NOT good at handling or communicating with me about boys. He always talks bad about them too much.

So now I'm in my room, thought I'd express my feelings to teenink like a wierd moody crazy girl I am. I usually only talk to my mom, since she's a LOT more calm & negotiable..

So I'm sittin in my room, supposed to think of things I will work for to earn to go to his house.

I asked, "Do you think I'm going to do something bad?"
And she just laughed...
So I just said, "Gosh Mom, want to get me some birthcontroll?"
She kept going laughing, like it was funny... Too bad I'm going under any circumstances.

So I guess since I'll be the only girl there, and maybe his dad has to work? I'm not trusted there..Dont worry, I will negotiate. I'M GOING.

I think they've been talking to these up-tight, STRICT, "My Kids are ANGELS" parents too much.. too much unneeded influence. Because last time I checked, I've been over to his house before under these circumstances. I dont know WHY its NOW, they choose to make these random rules.

What do your parents do?! This is the first time I've ever been restricted like this.. wierd feeling. I must rebel :) What are teenage years for.. right?

"You could never be old and wise is you were never YOUNG & CRAZY.."

PLUS its Valentines! Common.. this girl doesnt date too many guys.. its rare. We had it all planned too, well not too planned. But made a plan last minute that sounded perfect :)

I'll comment, and tell you all rebelions like me how the Valentines day plans works out...Even though we all know Valentines is totally overrated. Just gives us all an excuse to snuggle & kiss. :)

HAHA.. wish me luck!

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This article has 2 comments.

promiscuous said...
on Apr. 25 2012 at 9:16 am
promiscuous, Places, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
fu#k him soon

on Mar. 6 2012 at 8:56 am
Listen to papa rick(; He is very wise