Great Expectations | Teen Ink

Great Expectations

November 18, 2011
By lsmbibliophile GOLD, Hayward, California
lsmbibliophile GOLD, Hayward, California
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Live and Let Live"- Marc Elliot
"Keep Calm and Carry On" - British #kcaco
"“Tell God all that is in your heart, as one unloads one's heart, it's pleasures, and it's pains, to a dear friend." - Francois Fenelon

Finally, finally, finally, the long awaited night arrived! The light rain that fell could not put a damper on that evening. When I looked up and saw the very colorful lighted sign with the words “Paramount Theater”, it served to fuel my intense enthusiasm for what I was about to experience at this concert.

I was jittery, and I could not keep my eyes still from wandering to all of my surroundings because I wanted to soak up every moment of the night. The people around us waiting, were covering their heads and pulling in their jackets to keep warm as best they could. The streets had many cars pulled over, but the flow of traffic still seemed smooth. I was at a total loss for words. It was finally here. I’d been waiting for months, but it was finally, finally here. My mind whirled with great expectations for all that was to come. I would get to see my beloved celebrity crush, “Diggy Simmons”, perform on stage before my very eyes. I had tried to imagine what it would be like, seeing him in the flesh; I wasn’t sure if I would pass out at the sight of him. I knew my life would not have ever been complete without seeing him live and in person.

I was glad it only took a short time in line, because I could not wait to get in. One of the first places that caught my eyes was the t-shirt booth in the main lobby. Women and girls crowded the table with no apparent line but the motto instead was “push your way to the front”. I excitedly bought my T-shirt, and my friend and I raced to our seat.

The MC introduced the first act, and the entire auditorium erupted into screaming at the top of our lungs, applauding, and clapping. The concert had finally begun in full force. No one, that I could tell, bothered to take their seats. One by one, the performers dazzled us, and the count down was on, as we anticipated the main artist, Diggy Simmons.

After the brief intermission ended, it was time for Diggy Yes! The lights went dark. The audience grew very loud, deafening loud. I found myself screaming very loud, but I could not even hear myself, because the noise that everyone else was making drowned mine. At that moment, I realized I forgot something, something pretty urgent and important. I forgot that I needed to pee! All my anxiety helped me hold it in for so long, but now the moment I’ve been long waiting for (Diggy was about to enter the stage), and I had to use the restroom!

I turned to my friend who got on top of the chair. I looked towards the exit, not knowing what to do. It was only moments before Diggy was going to come out, and my body was going to explode. I couldn’t leave; not for the world. This was it. This was the time I’d been waiting for.

Suddenly the spot lights on stage went on and there he was. The audience glorified him with all of their voices coming together as one loud unit. I was jumping up and down, being conscious of my need, and keeping my legs close together to suppress my physical urge. I was in extreme ecstasy, far greater than I thought any one person could feel all at once.
His performance was great, terrific, and spectacular! It was everything and more than what I expected! However, right when he ran off stage, the curtains closed, and the lights went up, I bolted to the door grabbing my valuables and my friend’s hand with me. After using the restroom, I felt relieved!

The rest of the concert went by pretty quickly and I enjoyed it. Since then I’ve been longing to go back to that moment of excitement and having all my dreams being fulfilled again. Now I know that life has many priceless moments that come once and should be valued and treasured as precious memories.

The author's comments:
I chose to write about my experience at a concert to portray the feelings that many of us can relate to about musical artists today.

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