Outcasts | Teen Ink


September 4, 2011
By tianaxbiddy SILVER, Wareham, Massachusetts
tianaxbiddy SILVER, Wareham, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Plot is character revealed by action."


The ones who get ignored by classmates, "friends", teachers, family or who ever it maybe. I sit in my class, at my lunch and in my home all alone because I am an outcast. I feel alone but I know I'm not. I listen to music that keeps me going, I talk to my cousin; the only one who keeps me sane when I feel like I'm done to my last wire. My point is that there is always something or someone that you can rely on to be there for you. I will be honest I look up to a band called Black Veil Brides. There music is what makes me happy. I have 6 shirts, dog tags, 2 CDs, and posters. I have all of this because not only do I like there music but I also can relate to the music. So there is always something when you believe there is nothing.

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