My Stupid Day | Teen Ink

My Stupid Day

May 18, 2011
By Kaytee_24 GOLD, East Jordan, Michigan
Kaytee_24 GOLD, East Jordan, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, And Today is a Gift that is why they call it the Present.

The day started as normal, the sun peeking in my window. The stupid dog is trying to get me up, I look at the time, of course 7:00 a.m. Great it’s Saturday and like always every other weekend when my mom is working I get the stupid dog. So I get up, let the dog out it takes her 20 minutes to find “the right spot.” We come in and I give her a treat for “doing her business,” man why don’t I get treats? Now its 7:30 “A” stupid “M” in the morning, stupid dog, stupid sun, just stupid everything. I sit in the chair, turned on the TV and of course NOTHING is on. I guess I’ll watch the Golden Girls (well I think that’s the show with Betty White in it) it is now about 10 a.m., and my sister should be getting up soon. I get up to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and my sister is yelling that there is a bug and that she wants me to kill it. Like always I say no, I hate killing bug, but I know that if I don’t kill it that she will keep on yelling. The bug is a yellow jacket, so I slam down and I missed. I hit my knuckle on the windowsill and I began to bleed, great just another thing to put on my stupid list. Now I’m going to make sure that stupid bug dies. I slammed my hand again, this time I killed it. I look at the bug and I feel bad for it, it probably was trying to get out of this hell hole. As long as my sister quit yelling am good, I went in the bathroom looking for a bandage and of course NO BANDAGE. My sister comes to me with folded up toilet paper, and tape. She put the folded toilet paper on my bloody hand, and then put the tape on it. To end this stupid day, I went back to my stupid bed.

The author's comments:
Just my Luck!

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