Kiss of Luck | Teen Ink

Kiss of Luck

November 18, 2010
By alycia robson GOLD, Ormond Bech, Florida
alycia robson GOLD, Ormond Bech, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a beautiful day in Cork, Ireland, with a slight wind which made the flowers look like they were saying hello to me as they were being blown every which way (Visual). I woke up that day knowing that it was going to be a day I held close to my heart. Getting the chance to lie back on the rigged cold gray stone (Tactile) and kiss the Blarney Stone is a once in a life time opportunity! This day seemed like any other day in Ireland but this day could bring me luck in everything my future hold with just one simple kiss.
This one flat cold gray stone holds hope for so many people. The stone is so innocent like a little girl playing in the park just minding her own business. It is held on top of a castle that in such an unusually place, but the castle promotes power. How iconic. Walking up to the castle was like following the yellow brick road. There are flowers on both sides and birds chirping their own songs like they are the Beethoven of nature (Aural). The castle is very intimidating knowing you have to concur all the spiral stair ways to the very top. I felt like I was walking the stair way to heaven.
One- hundred and twenty steps later I have reached my destination, the top of Blarney Castle. The wind was wiping and tons of different languages from all around the world were being spoken. It was such an amazing sight. Something you would only see in the movies. It wasn’t anything I could have ever expected. It’s now my turn to feel the magic. I lay down with half of my back on the edge of the castle, while I lay back and have full trust in the man bracing my back. I grabbed the two old rusted black bars on each side of me and let myself lean back while my hair flows down the side of the castle. At that moment my lips have touched a legend of luck.

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