This is Why, Dad | Teen Ink

This is Why, Dad MAG

June 3, 2010
By Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
31 articles 0 photos 402 comments

No, you may not read this story.
I really am proud of it, yes. It's not embarrassing. I'm not hiding anything. And I have indeed posted it on the Internet for hundreds to see. People say it's good. You still may not read it.

Why? Because you're my dad.

It has everything to do with it, okay? Hear me out. Sometimes, when I'm bored, I take a little bit of my soul. I distill it, organize it, refine it, and then slap it down on a piece of paper.

It's private. It's mine. And I can't share it lightly.

Okay, yes, I did post it online where anyone can see it, where thousands of strangers can criticize and discuss, but there is a difference.

That difference is that the Internet is anonymous. That difference is that these people are looking deep inside me but they don't know it. The difference is that they analyze my writing, some of them, but don't think too hard about the creator.

You are my father. We are related and will be for the rest of our lives. And though this story is not about me – not about anyone I know, not about anything that's ever happened to me – it's still my soul. I have a deep, probably unfounded, and unshakeable fear of how it will change your view of me.

I am not brave enough. I'm sorry, but no, you may not read this story.

(Feel free to show this to Mom.)

The author's comments:
I don't often show my parents my writing, and this is why.

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This article has 28 comments.

KyraSapphire said...
on Nov. 13 2015 at 7:50 pm
KyraSapphire, Fort Worth, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 17 comments
This is how I feel about my drawing. No, Kass, you cannot see my artwork. No, Kass, you cannot hear me sing. I love you, sis, but, no.

Beila BRONZE said...
on Mar. 2 2015 at 9:46 pm
Beila BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
3 articles 0 photos 516 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." -Mark Twain

Yes! I am so glad that I found this. :) Writing *is* revealing your soul to the world. I've long known that I can't be in the same room while someone reads a piece of my writing for the first time, and this piece perfectly captures why. I'm going to disagree with a previous comment; I love that last line. I think that declaration is actually the strongest moment in this whole piece. Aside from that, I love the hook, and your voice is incredible. I definitely want to read more from you now! (Do you mind? :P)

on Jan. 12 2015 at 2:11 pm
MarieAntoinette2014 DIAMOND, Scottsburg, Indiana
54 articles 2 photos 237 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isn't it ironic? We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us, love the ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us.

I know the feeling. My mom asked to see my work... not likely

Brisa PLATINUM said...
on Jul. 25 2013 at 1:37 am
Brisa PLATINUM, Wasilla, Alaska
20 articles 7 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Si dan a tú papel alineado, escribas el otro camino."
"If they give you lined paper, write the other way"
-Juan Ramon Jiminez

You know, it's weird how none of us want to share these things with our parents. Writing, especially poetry, really is a piece of yourself, and when you show it to someone you care about, you're baring yourself to their opinions. I have never shown a single page of writing to my dad. I guess I'm afraid he'll think I'm crazy or something. Whatever. Maybe someday later, Dad. Great poetry, Imaginedangerous.

on Oct. 12 2012 at 3:41 pm
GuardianoftheStars GOLD, Shongaloo, Louisiana
17 articles 0 photos 495 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's tell young people the best books are yet to be written; the best painting, the best government, the best of everything is yet to be done by them."
-John Erslcine

I know exactly how you feel

elizamc83 GOLD said...
on Jun. 21 2012 at 8:49 am
elizamc83 GOLD, Concord, Massachusetts
17 articles 0 photos 84 comments

Favorite Quote:
"From now on, I don't care if my tea leaves spell 'Die, Ron, die,' I'm chucking them in the bin where they belong." -Ron Weasley

I love how you wrote this and I can totally relate! I usually keep my writing to myself and don't show it to my parents unless I have to. Also, I agree, showing your writing to hundreds of strangers over the internet is so much easier than sharing it with someone you're close to. Really great job, I've read your other writing and you have a lot of talent! :)

KatsK DIAMOND said...
on Apr. 22 2012 at 11:58 am
KatsK DIAMOND, Saint Paul, Minnesota
57 articles 0 photos 301 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being inexhaustible, life and nature are a constant stimulus for a creative mind.
~Hans Hofmann
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
~Ray Bradbury

I know right! This is perfect. I feel the same way-- you pour your feelings into it, and then you see the blank smile on their face, or the "oh, erm, dear, you had a swear word in that story" lecture. I don't share my writing with my faamily, unless it's academic.

on Jan. 25 2012 at 4:51 pm
__horizon133 PLATINUM, Portage, Michigan
26 articles 0 photos 231 comments

Favorite Quote:
"laugh, and the world laughs with you. laugh hysterically, and for no apparent reason, and they will leave you alone." anonymous

me too, with people outside my family. but with my parents... :B ...sorry. you probably have a better relationship with yours than me with mine :P

on Jan. 24 2012 at 9:18 pm
Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
31 articles 0 photos 402 comments
I tend to be bolder on paper than in real life. :)

on Jan. 24 2012 at 7:58 pm
__horizon133 PLATINUM, Portage, Michigan
26 articles 0 photos 231 comments

Favorite Quote:
"laugh, and the world laughs with you. laugh hysterically, and for no apparent reason, and they will leave you alone." anonymous

I'm glad you got the message to him somehow--don't take offense, but i don't see how you couldn't say that to him, simply to asset your individuality. I would never be able to hold myself together and NOT say it.

on Jan. 23 2012 at 4:31 pm
Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
31 articles 0 photos 402 comments
After it got published, he thankfully backed off a little. I couldn't actually get it together enough to say it to his face.

on Jan. 22 2012 at 7:56 pm
__horizon133 PLATINUM, Portage, Michigan
26 articles 0 photos 231 comments

Favorite Quote:
"laugh, and the world laughs with you. laugh hysterically, and for no apparent reason, and they will leave you alone." anonymous

oh M Gee! I remember this piece from the magazine! I loved it because my parents are always bugging me to let them read my writing--especially my dad. we had a huge fight about it once. the line "I distill it, organize it, refine it, and then slap it down on a piece of paper" poignantly describes exactly why i couldn't let him--the imagery used adds to it enormously.

leafy said...
on Dec. 20 2011 at 5:47 pm
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

I remember this piece in the mag, didn't know it was yours though :). It's exactly how I feel about my writing too...

on Dec. 3 2011 at 7:14 pm
Prometheus PLATINUM, East Aurora, New York
29 articles 0 photos 106 comments
Very good piece.  However, I feel that you would be better off without the last line (in parentheses).  It doesn't correspond with the flow of the article, and makes little sense (as your dad would have already read the entire essay by then).

on Nov. 28 2011 at 5:11 pm
abedengo-called-benny BRONZE, Valley View, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someday you'll be old enough to read fairytales again.

-C.S. Lewis

Totally agree with this.. I love your how your writing can change from action adventure to exactly what I'm thinking.. Keep writing!

on Jul. 30 2011 at 12:42 pm
ErisRose DIAMOND, Ashburn, Virginia
50 articles 1 photo 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori- Love conquers all let us yield to love
Sweat Dries, Blood Clots, Bones Heal, Suck it up and dance!
If they give you ruled paper, write the other way

haha I love this! i refuse to show my writing to my parents and they don't understand why, I love how you wrote this, keep writing.

lkk4209 BRONZE said...
on May. 30 2011 at 3:10 pm
lkk4209 BRONZE, Somewhere, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
"April Fool's Day is for amateurs. You never need an excuse to mess with people's heads."

"I may be lying in the gutter, but I'm staring up at the stars, honey."

This is exactly my situation and I use idioms and speech patterns that are extremely similar to those used in this piece...maybe you're my doppelganger? xD

on Apr. 19 2011 at 10:25 am
Alexandrathepoet PLATINUM, Leesville, South Carolina
35 articles 0 photos 119 comments

Favorite Quote:
If nothing else, believe in art.

For the longest time, i wouldnt let family read my stuff...i really like your writing style.

on Feb. 11 2011 at 9:10 pm
RiverSong BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 100 comments
Definitely showing this to my mom... hope you don't mind :D

on Dec. 12 2010 at 2:59 pm
ME TOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD