Where did we go wrong? | Teen Ink

Where did we go wrong?

March 1, 2010
By itsme91 BRONZE, Keller, Texas
itsme91 BRONZE, Keller, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't frown at the world and expect it to smile back at you."

Who do you blame? Me? I blame me too. What do you want? For me to apologize? I have already tried. Why are you mad? Because I told you how I feel? I took responsibility on my part. You did a little of yours. Who is right? You or me? You would say you, but honestly we both were right and we both were wrong.
Will normal every exsist for us again? Or are we going to go back and forth the rest of the time? You have taught me to trust again. But now you have broken my heart. Forever I will be grateful to you. You gave me my trust in people back. You will always carry a special place in my heart. But is it time to move on?
You may yell and scream at me and that's fine. People change and seasons pass through. I would hate to think all of our friendship was is a season. You changed, a lot, and I guess I have too. We grew together, however, now we must grow apart. I don't know where we went wrong. I treasured our friendship more than gold. Someone warned me this would happen, but I didn't listen. I said no way you would never do that to me. But like clockwork there you were. I can't say that I am innocent because I know I am not. You are trying so hard to be independant that all of your friends have fun off. i sit at the lake where you taught me to fish. The first time I had touched a worm. And I can not help but think what did all of our time mean? We use to have so much fun until one day, it blew up. Maybe I should not have said anything, but our friendship would be strained. There is only one question left. When you and I are older, will you look back and regret?

The author's comments:
I was inspired by something that went on between someone special and me.

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