Don't Eat Gumballs on Chairlifts | Teen Ink

Don't Eat Gumballs on Chairlifts

October 28, 2009
By RyanF BRONZE, Park City, Utah
RyanF BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have done many things before without being caught but this one stood out the most to me. Me and my friend had just finished chowing down at a pizza joint by the name of, "Davanzas." We were going to get some gumballs before we went back to skiing. We paid our 25 cents each and then left. I decided to save mine for later.
I had the thought of eating my gumball on the chairlift that went over Main Street. I don't know why, I just all of a sudden craved a gumball then I guess. Not being one of my best ideas I threw it up and tried to catch it in my mouth. Just as you would of thought, I missed. It plummetted down right into a new Chevy Avalanche (I remember the car because I was so scared.) It had dented the widsheild. To make it worst there was someone sitting on the chair behind us and the chair was going about an 1/8 a mile an hour.
When I reached the top, I saw the person sitting behind us go talk to ski patrol so I just booked it off the mountain. That was an extremely scary moment for me. I learned a lesson though. Don't eat gumballs on chairlfts.

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