The Day I Broke my Nose | Teen Ink

The Day I Broke my Nose

September 30, 2009
By Anonymous

One Sunday in my back yard my brothers and I were playing baseball. I was wearing a red t-shirt. My brother Teil was wearing a black t-shirt. My brother Alex was wearing a yellow t-shirt. My back yard on one side had blue and white play equipment. On the other side had a brown and grayish colored shed.

My brother Teil through a pop fly to me and it went over my glove and the ball hit my nose. Suddenly I blacked out for a minute or two. When I woke up my face was drenched in blood. My family was gathered all around me trying to stop the bleeding by laying my head on a pillow and put tissues under my nose.

My brother Teil picked me up and took me to our red van. I remember the sun gleaming through the van’s window as I lay bleeding on my brother’s lap while we were driving to the hospital. I remember the tan sealing at the top of the van. I can even remember the soggy red tissues that helped stop the bleeding.

I remember the doctor who took the x-ray and came back to tell me that I had broke my nose in three different places. The doctor was a male. He had brown hair. Most of all he stopped the bleeding. My family had to cancel an Easter party because I broke my nose and also because I was at the hospital from 4pm to about 6:30pm.

I will always remember that Sunday that I broke my nose, went to the hospital, and lost a lot of blood all in just one single day of my whole entire life. Oh and don’t forget we had to cancel my family Easter day party.

The author's comments:
To catch the ball with your mit and not your face.

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