Best Vacation Dinner | Teen Ink

Best Vacation Dinner

June 6, 2024
By 5neitzel BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5neitzel BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The best food that I have ever eaten on vacation was when I was in Mexico and I had Mahi Mahi. The Mahi Mahi is a beautiful fish with colors of green, blue, and yellow that shimmer in the water. When I caught it, I was with two of my uncles, my cousin, and my dad. We were having the greatest time on the boat out in the gulf of Mexico, except for the seasickness, while the girls were getting their nails done back at the house that we were staying in. We were fishing all day while we had ham and cheese sandwiches and it was the best part of the trip. 

The first time that we had a fish on the line, it was my turn because we were going from youngest to oldest and I struggled for about 5 minutes until I reeled in a huge barracuda. The eyes of the barracuda were staring at me while the teeth glistened in the hot summer sun. When my dad told me to go next to it so that he could take a picture, I stood away from it as much as I could while still being in the frame. When it got back to my turn, my uncle was still reeling in his Mahi Mahi and we noticed a bigger one that was majestically gliding through the waves swimming right next to it, so we cast out another line and hooked the other fish. This fish was bigger than the barracuda that I had previously caught, so I was struggling to reel it in. After about fifteen minutes of fighting against the fish, I finally won and it never felt better. “Whew” I said after reeling it in, ”that's tiring”.

 When we finally got back, it was the best feeling to touch dry land again but I kept falling over because I was so used to the boat rocking back and forth. At dinner we were served the freshly caught Mahi Mahi and it tasted like heaven because it was my hard work that allowed us to devour our meals and have full stomachs.

The author's comments:

I went fishing in Mexico and caught a Mahi Mahi

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