The Universe's Embrace | Teen Ink

The Universe's Embrace

May 30, 2024
By Reenakim_777 BRONZE, Brea, California
Reenakim_777 BRONZE, Brea, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To my future self 5 years from now,


As of today, I only have one week left in my sophomore year of high school.

It was pretty hard, wasn’t it? I still remember the iciness of shock washing over me back in September after failing every test. It was the first time in my life I’ve truly faced failure. I assume that college isn’t any easier, and pursuing a degree must be even more difficult. Ever since 2020, time has gone by so quickly. Every moment seems to melt away into a memory, falling further, and further behind into the void of time. I still feel like I’m 11 years old, impatiently waiting for the end of the mundane days of quarantine and blue light rays. It’s crazy to know how I’ve changed in such a short time.


        It’s my dream to study political science in college. I want nothing more than to pursue a job in government.To me, politics and law shape the structure of the world. By creating rigidity and stability, we humans create mutual peace with a system of liberty. Of course, this has proved to be no easy feat, but that’s why I want to do it. By working my way up to the far reaches of the political world, don’t you think that’s how I can truly make a change? But even so, I’m wondering, are you still pursuing the same dream?


        However, I know I have to work towards this goal. Right now, as a high school student, I’m volunteering to help the disabled at church, visiting an orphanage in Mexico to tutor kids who have their OWN dreams, and playing violin for senior centers. I know that these aren’t huge things, but I’m doing whatever I can to make a difference now. After all, it should be a politician’s desire to make a difference in every citizen’s life. I’m curious to know what kind of opportunities you’ve found, and how impactful they are. I truly wonder what impact you’ll be making and I have no doubt that they’ll be great.


        How’s the schoolwork in college? College classes must be more rigorous than high school work. It feels as if schoolwork was what I spent most of my time on in all of 2024. Although I enjoyed AP Euro and World, it was hard balancing the workload with my other APs, like Precalculus and Seminar. I even wished I had taken regular Chemistry instead of honors because I couldn’t figure out how to balance equations. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll be able to make it through all the obstacles, but I know we’ll make it. Just like how I figured out how to balance equations, I’ll pave my way across obstacles to reach my dreams. I am hopeful, but confident that such is the case, future me!


Well, all I have to say is good luck, and never stop. Please wait for me, and tell me what’s to come. No matter how much has changed, I’ll still welcome the universe’s embrace.







The author's comments:

My goal with this article is to be able to frame my experiences in a whimsically poetic manner. This piece is intended to be intimately nostalgic with a touch of my own personality and life. I hope this piece is relatable in the way it frames the desire for a certain dream and anticipation for the future. 

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