Christmas Party | Teen Ink

Christmas Party

January 14, 2024
By fionas0925 GOLD, Maryland, Maryland
fionas0925 GOLD, Maryland, Maryland
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Staring into the mirror, my fingers caressed my face. I wanted the spider-leg lashes and powdered cheeks, like syrupy frostings on a Christmas cake. I dreamed of hearing “You look sooo pretty” from phony admirers. 

Thump. A package from the cosmetic website arrived at the doorstep. I smuggled it to my room, preventing potential family conflicts. 

Camouflaging my face with paints, a hideous hag arose. Imagining people finally referring me as “gorgeous”, I sneaked out readily for the Christmas party.

“Are you wearing makeup?” my mom inquired.

I hurried my steps. 

“Come back. You forgot to blend in the blush!”

The author's comments:

I recounted my first experience of covering my face with makeup like what other kids did back in middle school.

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