The Sad Truth | Teen Ink

The Sad Truth

December 7, 2023
By Anonymous

      Why are you like this? You dont care at all, you do your thing at any given moment. You dont care what anyone feels, you dont care what I feel. We might’ve known it would happen, but so soon? The thought of hurting people doesn't bug you and I hate it. I hate you. Mostly because you are the sad ugly truth, all of us will end up like that at some point but you could’ve given us a moment. No one was prepared for that moment, nobody is ever prepared.

     Oh death you son of a mother, truly it doesn't care. It takes the people you love most no matter what the moment is. You know what, death isn't the only thing I want to confront, destiny, creates some of the best memories but also the worst. You are friends with all feelings but with death, you must choose wisely about who will be around. Picking certain people and creating the saddest and most traumatic event in their life, they were maybe strong enough for it but what about the others? The ones who will stay damaged.

    These thoughts have been crossing my mind all day and night for the past couple of days. Monday, my destiny had decided one thing while death, it wanted to play with my feelings for a while. Why did you take him? My grandpa, the person I looked up to, the person I would go to for advice, the nicest person I have ever met in this world, is suddenly gone. 

     Monday after school, I visited my grandpa as usual. He has lung cancer and it has been getting worse as time passes. The time was going to come but that Monday, it was another visit to me, although, my destiny had decided otherwise. We had gotten to my grandpa's house when my grandma was giving us news about my grandpa having liquid in his chest. We tried and begged my grandpa to let us take him to the hospital so they would get the liquid out, but he denied it, you could tell in his face how exhausted he was, the medications, the sleepless nights, the no solid foods, he was tired of it all.

    We listened to him, we did not take him to the hospital. Ten minutes pass by and I hear my grandma yelling how his oxygen was going low, to take a new tank to his room. We grabbed the wrong one at first, his oxygen dropped to the fifthyish. We went back to grab another tank, but it was the wrong one again, at this moment his oxygen was in the forties. Everyone was panicking, it was a life or death situation and we kept grabbing the wrong oxygen tank. The third time, we grabbed the right oxygen tank, his oxygen was in the thirties. It was very low. 

     The oxygen got plugged in, and we waited a couple of minutes for it to hit how it usually does. A minute passes and my grandpa starts to struggle. I was in the living room with my cousin and all we heard was my grandpa, my mom and her mom screaming at him to not give up then started asking for help. I go into the room and all I see is my grandpa, he is pale and has some tone of purple, his face is sinking into his neck and his mouth is weirdly open while he tries to breathe. I had never in my life felt so terrified, I stayed calm and called 911.

    I was in the line with the emergency number and the lady answered asking for the address. Nobody knew the address, we got it quickly and I gave it to the person who picked it up. Suddenly, she began to be rude to me and tried to say I was making everything up. At that moment I went outside and started yelling at the lady explaining how my grandpa was dying and giving every detail possible. 

     By the time the paramedics were there, my grandpa was dead. I was still calm, with no tears, no nothing, all I was trying to do was console my mom who was shaking. The paramedics got my grandpa semi-conscious. They took him to the hospital, and we all met there. We were outside waiting for some kind of update, 2 hours passed and the doctors came and gave us very devastating news. My grandpa had to be intubated due to the extreme conditions he was in. There was some hope, not much of him surviving. They gave him all the medication needed. We went to see him and it seemed as if he was perfectly fine, his skin color was back, and he was breathing, not on his one but he was. 

     My mom and I had gone back home at around 2:30 am. At exactly three in the morning, my mom woke me up, she was crying and screaming, Out of all the things she said all I heard her say was how my aunt had called saying my grandpa wasn't going to make it through the night.  We went back to the hospital which mind you is an hour away. Once we made it we all visited one last time before he was going to be unplugged. After everyone went to see him only his wife and kids could go in for the last event I could say. From what my mom, aunts, and uncle said, my grandpa died without being unplugged. He was still intubated, wide opened his eyes, took a very deep breath and that was it. He was dead. He was in such critical condition that not even some tubes that were meant to keep him alive worked.

    Death you are the worst thing I've ever encountered and destiny, please dont ever make my family go through something like this again. I remember all the memories of my grandpa, the good times, but when I close my eyes, all I see is him struggling to breathe, an image I will never forget.

The author's comments:

Life is a nice lie and Death is a sad truth 

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