Uncertainty to Victory | Teen Ink

Uncertainty to Victory

October 6, 2023
By leandersanchez BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
leandersanchez BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seated before a drum kit for the first time, uncertainty clouded my thoughts. Sticks gripped hesitantly, confronted by an array of unfamiliar drum components, I knew this was going to be a challenge. My early attempts were a symphony of discord. I constantly missed, my hits lacked resonance, and the weak sounds mocked my attempts. Frustration filled me as I stumbled through the instrument I longed to master. Anger crept in, my head dripping with sweat as coordination became difficult to track down. Yet, my determination kindled a spark. Buried beneath the layers of frustration was a fire that refused to be extinguished. With each missed beat, I resolved to try again. With every weak strike, I doubled my efforts to improve. Slowly, the rhythm emerged from the chaos. My strikes were precise, filled with resonance, and the once feeble sounds were no more. My progress was marked by small victories. Ultimately, it became apparent that smooth roads were not always guaranteed and that each setback held a lesson. Hours of practice etched their mark on my hands, calluses showing that hard work pays off. My rocky start proved to be merely the first chapter of a successful journey, where the determination for mastery outshone the challenges that blocked my path.

The author's comments:

This narrative is inspired by my personal journey in learning to play the drums. It explores the highs and lows of my progression, emphasizing that my determination to overcome obstacles is rooted in my own experiences

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