I'm Grateful | Teen Ink

I'm Grateful

September 27, 2023
By 5costa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5costa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t live without my truck. It’s a 2002 Chevy Silverado 2500. It’s what gets me to work. It’s what gets me to school. It’s what gets me back and forth between my mom and dad’s house. I might even use my truck to help my brother move out of his house this weekend. 

The reason why my truck means so much to me is because it’s what I grew up with. It was my dad’s old truck for many years before it was mine. My brother was driving my dads truck somewhere one day and out of nowhere, the transmission blew. My dad thought it was over for that truck so he got a brand new one. He offered me a deal and asked me if I wanted to help replace it. I pitched in some money and that truck now has a brand new transmission and will last me a pretty long time. I think that brand new transmission was around $5,000 or $6,000. So definitely not cheap but I pitched in around $1,000 for it. I worked at Piggly Wiggly and saved up .

When my dad had it, he spent a lot of money on the stereo system in it. He is really into music. He had a custom 12” subwoofer made for the truck and put it all aftermarket speakers and a really nice amp to power the sub. The pre-amp (controller) is pretty looking in my truck. My truck is from 2002 and there is a big screen in the middle. It does look pretty goofy but I love it. It’s basically a foldable screen that I can open and close if I want to. I think it’s an 8” screen and I can watch movies and stuff on there and control all my music. 

I think the only problem I have with it is that I have to put gas in it quite often. It only gets 12 miles to the gallon which isn’t the best obviously. My dad just ordered a little device thing that can connect to the computer in my truck and it does something that bumps up the gas mileage a little bit. I’m not sure how but whatever it is I am grateful for. I won’t have to spend so much money so often just to drive around. In my opinion, the feeling of freedom to be able to drive around by myself is very enjoyable. Everything else about my truck is pretty awesome. It’s got a big 6.0L V8 in it and it sounds so good. It feels like the engine is just roaring and giving all of its power. It is a little annoying to park sometimes but I think it is absolutely worth it.

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