The Wedding Dress | Teen Ink

The Wedding Dress

September 26, 2023
By Anonymous

Something I couldn't live without is my mother’s wedding dress. Although it may seem silly it would probably cripple me with sadness for a couple of days if I knew it was forever gone. That's how special my mom's wedding dress is to me. When I was younger my absolute favorite thing to do was dress like my mom. One day, I vividly remember, I HAD to have my mom's glossy black purse with me at daycare and carry it around all day since it was like she was with me, otherwise, I would cry and cry and cry. I can’t quite remember how I discovered the dress, but little did I know the magic it held. I remember seeing pictures of my mom in her breathtaking dress and immediately I knew I had to try it on. I remember she looked just like a princess, and I too of course as young as I was, wanted to be one too. A whole lot of claw clips, hair ties, and other makeshift temporary alteration concoctions, and I was able to try them on. I would spin and dance and walk around while asking my mom time after time “How do I look Mommy?” and “Daddy will you marry me?” It was the most exciting thing ever for me to do. I look like Cinderella, I thought to myself. The excitement I got when I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked at my mom in all the pictures, was something I will never forget. 

Though I am only 17 the idea of a wedding is something so exciting to me. My friend Megan and I have probably watched over 300 hours watching Say Yes To Dress on Sunday mornings while talking about our someday weddings. Seeing all the different wedding dresses is my favorite part. But I still haven't found one I like more than my moms. Between the lace, sweetheart neckline, and the perfect silhouette, it is hard to beat. My dream is to one day be able to somehow incorporate my mom's wedding dress into my own wedding. The feeling I got when I put on her dress when I was little was one I never want to forget, and being able to share that special something with my mom on my wedding day would be amazing. 

My mom's wedding dress doesn’t get brought out much now, but that doesn't change the way I feel about it. Thinking about it reminds me of my happy childhood, my beautiful mother, and the life I will one day get to live one day. My mom's wedding dress is something that is very dear to my heart and I could not live without it. 

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