Letter to my Mother | Teen Ink

Letter to my Mother

December 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Dear Momma,

You are definitely God’s gift to me. I wouldn’t be me without you. Since I was in your womb, I have felt the genuine love you have for me. You have gone through so much for me – you endured labor, raised me, put your dreams on hold, made many sacrifices, and you still put me before yourself. How can anyone be so selfless? You guided me all my life because of course “mother knows best.” 

You created me and, despite difficulties, gave priority to my needs. I’ll never forget how you stayed by my bedside during many sleepless nights when I was not well. I remember how proud you are when I received the best grades in the class.  It is because “mother knows best” and your everlasting encouragement, support, and guidance that I’m able to achieve success in life.

Not only are you just my mother, but you’ve been my best friend throughout my life. No matter what I’ve done, you’ve always loved me for the person I am. You are the one I can come to when I’m down or up, the one that understands me, the one I can talk to about absolutely whatever – knowing you’ll never judge me and give me the best advice because you know what’s best. You are my number one supporter, role model, inspiration, and strength. You protect me from all harm. When I want to go somewhere or I talk to a new person, you get that “mother’s intuition” that gives you a bad feeling so you tell me “no.”

Even though I’m becoming older, I’ll always be that little girl at heart who is always with you everywhere. Thank you for all the time we spent together, good and bad– sitting in your lap while you did my hair, going shopping, having best friend talks, and me doing terrible makeup on your pretty face. You know me like no other, you know when im hurt or happy even before I even say, you know what I like and don’t like, and you know how to comfort me and talk to me.

There were many times I had taken my frustrations out on you for no reason. I’m sorry for being rude, catching attitudes, and screaming at you at times. You’ve tolerated all my door slams, tantrums, and silent treatments with a smile – and sometimes tears, which broke my heart. The times when I would get mad and disobey you because you would disagree with what I want, and you would always say “you gone wish you would’ve listened to me” or “momma always knows what’s best”, I appreciate you for that. 

Even though you’ve always told me “you are the best daughter I could ever ask for, I don’t know what I would do without you”, to make me believe I’m perfect and I know I’ve still given you a heartache at points in my life, but you were still purely a perfect mother to me. None of that has ever stopped you from loving me. Saying “thank you” is not enough for all you've done for me. I love you til the end.


Trinity Jones

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