Dear Sabrina | Teen Ink

Dear Sabrina

December 15, 2022
By Anonymous

November 9, 2022

Dear Sabrina,

It has been almost three years since I have last spoken to you in person. Every single day since then I sit and wonder how you could create such strong propaganda against my father and I. 

Sabrina, you convinced an innocent, loving man that he needed you. That he needed a woman that would fake her accent for five years, a woman who would secretly mistreat their stepchild, a woman who did not know the feeling of true emotions because she was incapable of having them. Over the last two years that you have been gone, our household has been healthier than it was for the five years that you were around. When we first met, I was around the age of twelve. I loved every bit of you. From your long red hair, to your super-cool tattoos. I loved how you would sit and color with me, or that one time you jumped in Uncle Ricky’s pool so I did not have to swim alone. More than my love for you was the love I continue to hold for your children. They gifted me with a small trailer of teenage society, a bigger family, a sister-to-sister relationship. I can not seem to remember when the times went bad, but I do remember the bad times. Specifically when you would come home with food for your children and pretend you did not know I was home; therefore, I would have no food to eat. There was another time when I was screamed at for drinking the last cup of sweet tea out the fridge- I was fourteen. Another time being when you constantly talked down on my brother, claiming he owed you money, when you continued to offer it to him. The role of a mother consists of caring for your children until death do you part.The role of a step-mother is to care for your significant other's children throughout the entirety of your marriage. Though when Austin and I entered your life you acted fond of us, you grew to almost hate us, especially after the way your relationship with dad ended. After all of the hurt, the tears, the pain that your actions caused, I grew to be thankful. Thankful for the strength I have embodied within myself because of you. I have learned to trust others wisely and never let my guard down. 

I hope this letter encourages you to treat the next children better, love the next man genuinely, and I truly hope this letter persuades you into becoming a better person. 

The best wishes,




The author's comments:

This piece was my personal experience of being "the red headed step child." This only goes over some of the things she did to my father and I in all the years that she was around. 

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