Doing the right thing | Teen Ink

Doing the right thing

October 12, 2022
By Anonymous

                                                  Doing the right thing

  The time that I did the right thing was helping this old African American lady up the stairs. I was entering the apartment’s garage and I saw my neighbor struggling to climb up the stairs since I occasionally say hi or hello to her, I offered to pick her up and take her to her apartment since she lived on the 2nd floor and she said that she would be really happy and would help a lot if I could take her up to her apartment. She was a very light and small old woman so I didn’t have a problem taking her up the stairs when I got to her apartment door I went downstairs again to pick her things up and I brought her things to her and she gave me a lollipop for helping her out. I felt really happy and warm inside when I did it and at that moment I realized that doing the right thing made me feel really good about myself so I continued to help her over the summer.

  She is a very kind old lady who needs help now because she's getting to the age where she can't do things by herself anymore. She's turning 82 or 83 this year but she does things if she's still 50 so I try my best to not let her do stuff that will harm her health or something that would put her in danger. During the summer I went to her house and helped her clean it all I really had to do was broom under the sofa and help her clean her bedroom because her apartment is pretty small compared to ours but it's still a lot of work for her considering her age. The things I did to help her as much as I can put a smile on her face and seeing her smile made me feel way better than I was before. Her sisters came over one day to help her out and she was smiling so much because her family was there to help her out that day I think they left at like 7 since it was Sunday and I think the others had to go to work.

  She now has a caretaker to help her with everything and it shows that she really needs help since she's getting so old that she won't be able to do much of anything without others' help anymore. I always stop by and help her when she needs help and it just feels really good to do things for the elderly. I saw her 2 days ago and saw her going for a walk with her caretaker, I walked with them for a while talking about how's life going and how I'm doing in school, I told her I'm doing good and just opening up to her felt really good because it's not good to keep all of that stress inside and she understands that it ain't easy doing all the things I do.

  The things that I have learned over the summer was helping people who can’t help themselves and that was a very meaningful lesson for me because I've never really helped people while I was growing up because I always had this everyone-for-themselves mindset which set me back on a lot of opportunities with other people. This mindset has led me to refuse to help other people and I kind of blame myself for not being there for other people that needed my help just yesterday I went to the store with my mom and a middle-aged woman wanted something that was on a shelf that she couldn't reach and I asked if she needed help and she kindly accepted as I got the item for her and that made me feel guilty cause I can help out a lot but I don’t. This lady has helped me become a better man and to help people whenever I have the chance to do it so I learned to help others and not think for myself.

The author's comments:

My name is Marcos and I am a 17-year-old high schooler doing a narrative essay in my personal experience doing the right thing. I play Football and I also play the guitar, I like to read, and I sometimes study but I'm pretty confident in my learning skills, and this is my first time submitting any of my work online.

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