Essay Contest: Primitive People | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Primitive People

September 30, 2022
By Jdunna BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jdunna BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Primitive People

I was minding my own business this weekend having a conversation with a random guy about his last name. It happened to be Figueruos or something close to figure, and I was asking what it meant to him and his family as I saw it on his name tag. Then some other guy and for clarity he’ll be named John comes at him with alot of hatred and rage talking about his race and how he should go cut some grass “you beaner”. I believe people who think of race as a way to attack someone makes them childish, and it is a lack of education and social interactions that make people do these out of pocket actions. Some would call this racial stereotyping and not racism, I think that it's just blatant racism as he was using it against him.

Racial stereotyping is different and I believe less meaningful than racism, as I have a stereotype for Hispanic people, the majority of them are hardworking and make great meals, and probably short. I asked John how old he was as I assumed he was in his mid twenties and probably heavily influenced by either his family or his friends. Which is sad to think about because the American education system obviously failed him and so did his surroundings. He was unclean, in his physical appearance and mentally. And not someone that anyone should aspire to be.

Don't be a primitive person, someone to look up to.

Be a figure.

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the Teens Making a Difference essay contest.

Was slightly altered to hide names

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