Essay Contest: Conformation | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Conformation

September 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Last year I was on my way to getting confirmed in the Catholic church and one of the requirements for that was doing two separate acts of volunteer work.  The first set of volunteer work I did was last spring when I helped Reffere the end-of-season middle school volleyball tournament. I had to do the scoreboard for the games that happened on that court and I also had to record the score and report it to the person running the tournament. I also had to help take down the nets and put everything away when the tournament ended. It was honestly pretty boring and I would have rather spent my time doing something else but it had to be done.

 The next thing I did was go through the church last spring.  We had to sit outside by a truck from St Vincent de Paul and collect donations that people had. We would help them grab the things they had to donate from their car and load it up onto the truck. Most of it was old clothes or appliances. It was raining earlier that day so there were not a lot of people that came to donate. I was there for 6 hours so it was a pretty long time to volunteer. That was a very long and boring day but it felt good to help others and know that I was helping out people in need.

These two volunteer experiences helped me realize that it can be fun to help others and give back to the community. It also made me realize that I don't need to be paid to do something I should just do it because I want to or enjoy it.

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This is a submission for the Teens making a difference essay contest

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