Paradise to Me | Teen Ink

Paradise to Me

June 2, 2022
By bsamz24 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
bsamz24 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ocean, a vast unknown space that has been discovered through time and perseverance. It hides its deepest secrets within the plants and animals that live inside. Sharks. Oysters. Jellyfish. Each of them inhabits a minuscule portion of their home, doing their job like children doing chores in a household.

Whether it's a raging current, yelling in anger, or a gentle wave licking the shoreline, the ocean is always in control. It blows sailboats along its surface, pushing them along to their final destination. It provides seashells for copious amounts of people in search of a majestic conch. Its genuine character willingly helps all whom encounter it, never meaning to hurt or disappoint.  

 “Look at the view,” one might say as they overlook the beautiful deep blue, all-encompassing ocean at sunset. Colors like yellow, orange, and purple dance above the horizon as the sun sets in the distance. People watch in awe and snap pictures to remember moments like this forever. Without a doubt, the ocean would happily smile back, showing its kindness and care. 

Home. Paradise. Fear. The ocean can be anything. For some, it can bring back only the most traumatic memories, while for others it can be a place of peace and harmony. Either way, it will remain as home to millions of creatures both big and small. 

For me, it is paradise. Every vacation I have ever been on has ended in a long walk along the beach. There is something about the sand between my toes as the saltwater washes over them, that always leaves me wanting to return. Whether I am snorkeling or jetskiing, I love to spend my time out in the sun, enjoying what the ocean provides.

The author's comments:

I enjoy running track and playing basketball. Spending time with friends and family is what I spend most of my time doing outside of school. I love going to the ocean and spending time in the sun.

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