Family abuse | Teen Ink

Family abuse

March 5, 2022
By Brenden1207 BRONZE, Point, Texas
Brenden1207 BRONZE, Point, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started when I was about 10 or 11. It was something that has affected me in horrible ways and still affects me everyday. My dad would start hitting me with a belt for me just telling him I wouldn’t get him a drink. He had hit me with the belt on my back,the back of my legs,my arms and hands, and would hit me and hit me until he got tired of doing it or until I fell on the ground.He left bruises all over my body, that stayed on my body for weeks,and he would hit me with the belt many times a day and I eventually got tired of him hitting me with the belt so I told him that I wasn't going to allow him to hit me with the belt anymore.

There was 2 times where the cops ended up having to come to the house and I told the what had happened, but my mom and dad lied to them about what happened so that they wouldn't get in trouble and go to jail.When the cops came to the house the 1st time, my grandma came and got me and I stayed with her for a little while, and the 2nd time they came to the house I just decided that I was tired of what was happening to me so I decided to live with my grandma and not go back and live with my parents.I've been living with my grandma ever since the cops came the 2nd time and I don't plan on going back any time soon. 

Having to go through everything that I went through made me emotionally, mentally, and physically stronger and taught me that I sometimes have to stand up for myself and for others that are in need of help but are too afraid to say anything to anyone else.And it also helped me learn that I can't be a bad father like my dad was to me and that I need to not to abuse my kids or put them through what I went through.

The author's comments:

I am only 15 but that doesn't effect how much can happen in just a short time 

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