Cabin | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By 2025098 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2025098 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sunfish story. My favorite part was one night my uncle took me to mud lake and we caught about fifty to sixty sunfish, and we did it in about an hour. And fishing with my uncle is my favorite part of going up north. It was one of my most memorable parts of the cabin. Being at the cabin is one of my favorite reasons for being in Minnesota, when I grow up I want to live in Minnesota. Here are my reasons, friends, family, and lakes.
First, family is one of the biggest reasons I want to live in Minnesota. The main reason for my family is my parents. I want to stay close to them because when they get older I am able to help them when they need it. And I can stay in better contact with them. My next reason for family is my kids. I want them to be able to know their grandparents, and be able to go visit them whenever they would like to. Overall I just want to be there to help my parents when they get older, and to have my kids be able to grow up and grow a bond with their grandparents. The next reason I want to stay in Minnesota is for my friends.
Second is friends, I want to stay close to them because I'm hoping to keep a lot of the friends I grew up with. I feel it would be nice to still hang out and talk to the friends I have had since elementary school. If I moved it would be a little weird not knowing who anyone is and it's just me by myself for a while. So friends is another reason I want to live in Minnesota. When I am hanging out with friends we can have a good time on the lake.
Third reason is lakes, lakes are another reason I want to stay in Minnesota. When I grow up I want to live on a lake, and Minnesota would be a good place to do that. I think being on lakes is very peaceful and relaxing after a long day of work. I also enjoy fishing with my uncle and Minnesota has some really good fishing lakes to do that. Lakes are fun and I just enjoy being on them in general. So lakes are another reason I want to stay in Minnesota.
In conclusion, I enjoy spending time with my family and I hope I get to spend more time with them in the future. I enjoy spending time with my friends and I still want to be able to do that after I graduate. And I enjoy fishing on mud lakes with my uncle and catching all those sunfish. So my reasons for wanting to live in Minnesota are family, friends, and lakes.

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