Lo-vers Lane | Teen Ink

Lo-vers Lane

January 21, 2022
By alysonlol BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
alysonlol BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lo-ver’s Lane is what I would change the name of the street I grew up on because it holds the stories of my firsts. It was the magical place where I had my very first kiss. It was a beautiful Sunday morning in August, we were sitting on a pair of swings at a playground in our neighborhood. We moved our swings in a way they would swing left and right just enough for us to hit the bottom of our seats gently, we sat there for what felt like hours talking about nonsense and how unexcited we were for the upcoming school year. “Can you believe we’re high schoolers now?” He asked as I brought my attention back to his eyes. “No. I really can’t.” I replied, closing my eyes and trying to enjoy the last few moments of summer. I opened my eyes to look at him to find that he was already looking at me, my heart jumped out of my chest and I turned away quickly. “You’re really pretty, I’m glad we hung out this summer.” I could feel my face getting warm and red. Was it this hot before? The temperature just rose 10 degrees! I started panicking and swinging left and right faster and faster until he pulled the chain of my swing towards him and kissed me. It felt magical, it was exactly like a movie scene in the generic love stories that every girl dreams of having. He let go of the swing and due to the force of gravity, our swings went back to swaying. Left to right. We both giggled and sat awkwardly in silence. My mind was screaming at me to say something. Say something! He’s gonna think you’re weird! As my mind was racing to find something to say he finally asks, “do you wanna go for a walk?” I smiled at him and he walked me to my house, before I walked in I gave him a bear hug and ran inside. Satisfied with my day, I text all of my friends and tell them everything that happened. The next few weeks were a blur, school started and he didn’t speak to me. Were my lips chapped? Was it my breath!? As I walked to my 3rd-hour science class I saw him crossing the hall, but… who was that girl next to him? My heart sank. He didn’t even acknowledge me as they walked past. My first kiss belongs to a boy that broke my heart, but it was still special to me. 

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