Evolution of Mini Skills | Teen Ink

Evolution of Mini Skills

December 15, 2020
By Anonymous

Sure, there are many others who write small, but so far I've found no one who writes smaller than I do. Even as a first-grader I found writing large letters to be an inconvenience, since it took more time to scribble loosely across the paper. At first, writing small wasn't very comfortable, but it was something I was willing to work at because I could write much quicker. I felt like I didn't have to raise my pencil as far from the paper, and each word was precise and deliberate. Also, the smaller I write, the larger my mistakes appear. For example: if my margins aren't aligned, I'll be able to tell, because everything is much closer. If you look at any of my papers, you’ll notice that almost all of my margins are perfectly aligned. 

One thing that's particularly important for my small writing is the unique grip I have on my pencil. I've taken all of my fingers and concentrated them around the tip of the pencil. Most of the time my fingers are so close that they drag along the paper, but having them so close allows me to apply greater force when I write. Words appear much more defined on the paper as a result. 

Since my early writing days, I've ingrained the idea of writing as small as possible. It's like a tool on a construction worker’s belt. No matter how much teachers complain, they can't deny that my handwriting is easily identifiable. You could even say that my handwriting is eco-friendly. because I save trees when I use less paper. I can write on worksheets of all shapes and sizes; space is never a problem for me. On math assignments, I frequently find myself fitting entire equations on single lines while my peers reach for their scratch paper. 

Not only have I found writing small to be useful, but I’ve also adopted it as part of my personality; it's who I am. People can talk all they want, but changing my handwriting is simply something I will not do.

The author's comments:

I have been writing small for as long as I can remember. There was never a time where my handwriting changed unless it was against my will. Most of the time teachers seem to have a difficult time reading it but throught it all I stay rigid. My handwriting is a reflection of me, writing any other way would be unnatural. 

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