Locked Out | Teen Ink

Locked Out

January 13, 2020
By Anonymous

Christmas Eve, 2013, I was only nine years old. My family, including two of my grandparents on my dad’s side, and I were planning to go out to our close friends’ house for the night. It would have been a thirty-minute drive to get to their house, but my parents left the keys to the car inside the house. When they went back to the door to grab the keys, they remembered that they locked the door to the house, which left us with no way of getting back in. We went around the entire house, checking for open windows or maybe even an unlocked back door entrance, but we were unsuccessful. We were all panicking, I even recommended breaking a window to get inside, but the idea was turned down by everyone except my brother, who found it funny. My parents then resorted to calling locksmiths in the area. The only problem, however, was that it was Christmas Eve, so most people who celebrate the holiday took the day off work. Anyways, after numerous phone calls, my parents were able to find someone willing to help, a Jewish man, who didn’t celebrate Christmas. In the meantime, my family and I went over to our neighbors’ house. They happened to have plans themselves, so they left, and we sat in their living room watching television, awaiting the locksmith’s arrival. However, it wasn’t until two hours later that the locksmith pulled into our driveway. My dad went back over to our house to lead the locksmith in the right direction. It only took him about fifteen minutes to get the door open, but at that point, it was eight o’clock, so we were expecting to be able to go to our friends’ house for at least an hour or two. However, after destroying the old lock, the locksmith had to install a new one. We thought this would only take about ten minutes and then we’d be on our way to our friends’ house, but that wasn’t the case. It took the man an hour and a half to reinstall the lock, this meant that it was almost ten o’clock, so at that point, it was too late to go out. We were planning on eating dinner with our friends, but since we didn’t end up going, we were all hungry, and we were all in terrible moods. Even though we were annoyed by the amount of time we had to wait, it was our fault in the first place because we somehow forgot the keys to the house. However, when we were hoping to spend time with our friends, it turned out to be the worst Christmas Eve we would ever have. Thankfully, since my brother and I were relatively young, we were pleased the following day when we woke up to a surplus of Christman presents.

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