sacramento my home | Teen Ink

sacramento my home

December 19, 2019
By gonzalocarrillo BRONZE, Sacramento, California
gonzalocarrillo BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Sacramento is full of the scent of flowers. I live in a big white house in Elk Grove. All of the people in my neighborhood are nice, respectful, kind, theres alot of white people in my neighborhood and they are all really cool. The streets in south Sacramento are very clean and there are no homeless people. There is no gang violence or crime in south sacramento. when I walk around in my neighborhood I don't have to worry about anything bad happening to me such as getting robbed or jumped. 

Everything I just described is a lie. I live in a small house in Meadowview, my sacramento is full of the scent of marijuana. The people in my neighborhood are black and mexican. The streets in south Sacramento are dirty and full of trash and potholes. Theres alot of homeless people in my neighborhood. Gang violence and crime is a big thing in sacramento. 

Some weird things about my city is that rich areas such as downtown, old sac, greenhaven, and Elk grove they have better things than my neighborhood and that's where all the white people be at. They have things like a new soccer field, bigger and better shopping centers, and community centers. We have to drive really far to go to fun places and do fun things. We don't have things like that in my neighborhood all we have are dirty parks and there be used needles and condoms on the ground. I hear a lot of gunshots,and police and ambulance sirens in my neighborhood.

I feel that our city needs more fun places so people can be interested in visiting sacramento. We need to improve on working on new things like fun places to come and visit here and fix roads and make shelters for the homeless. The city needs things that will bring people to the city and do what they want and enjoy their visit.

The author's comments:

this is my essay about my neighborhood and what its like to live in my city.

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