How I got a Black Eye | Teen Ink

How I got a Black Eye

November 6, 2019
By Char BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Char BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You may be thinking, “How did you get a black eye?”. No, I did not get into a fight, and no, I did not get mauled by a bear. It is something as simple as tripping. Let me tell you the story. It was a beautiful, and warm summer day. That day, I had volleyball practice. My dad had dropped me off, and exclaimed, “Have a good day!”. Little did he know the incident that would take place later. It started out as me and my friends warming up. Someone had missed the ball making it completely unplayable. I decided to go and pick up the ball, because it was rolling away. Keep in mind, it was not even ten minutes into practice. While I was doing so, I was talking with my friends and laughing, and not paying attention to my surroundings. I did not know that the ball cart was right in front of me. I had slipped, and had landed on the corner of the ball cart (Which was metal, sharp, and came to a point). I did not even know I had a black eye until somebody told me. I started to panic, and I told the coach what happened, and they gave me an ice pack. It started to sting, They called my mom, and sent her a picture of the black eye. I decided to stay and play in practice, because I could still move around. When I got home, my mom started laughing, and commented, “It looks like purple eyeshadow.” 

My dad exclaimed, “What did you do this time?”. My dad honestly was not even surprised. I continued to play the rest of the week. It got better as the week progressed. Just be careful of your surroundings, and watch where you are going.

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