Gatlinburg | Teen Ink


October 17, 2019
By EvanKing BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
EvanKing BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On my twelfth birthday, my whole family went to an indoor waterpark in Gatlinburg for a weekend. When we went to Gatlinburg, it was right after it burned down. The hotel we stayed at was one of the biggest indoor water parks in the world. It was like a great wolf lodge but ten times bigger. The waterpark was surrounded by massive glass walls. There was a very tall waterslide that you used a tube on. It sounded like rushing water and lifeguard whistles. When you were on the top of the waterslide you could see for miles around the glass waterpark. We went to the waterpark almost every day. When we were at the waterpark you could hear the sound of echoing voices and crashing water. There was a looming stench of chlorine. I remember there being an arcade at the hotel. One night we went to a place called the island. It was in pigeon forge and had a Ferris wheel and a massive fountain that displayed a light show. I did an above ground ropes course. At the end of the ropes course, you had to bungee jump down about forty feet. It took me a long time to have the courage to jump down. We also went hiking in the mountains. When we went hiking, we walked along a beautiful creek with lots of scenery. 

The author's comments:

This is the story of when I went to Gatlinburg for my 12th birthday.

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