Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

May 14, 2019
By Anonymous

The vice I chose for my letter “S” is stubborn.  Someone who is stubborn is very headstrong and doesn't change their view or position very easily on a topic or discussion with other people.  I relate to being stubborn because I can be very strong-willed and headstrong sometimes when I am having discussions with people. I am very passionate about my opinions and views on certain topics and I have a hard time changing my viewpoint once I have made up my mind.  An example of my stubbornness is when the weather starts to become cold and transition into winter, my mom always tells me to wear long pants and a sweatshirt so I don't become cold. I am always too stubborn to listen and usually decide to wear shorts and a short sleeve shirt instead of layered clothing.  I am too stubborn to listen to my mom and acknowledge how cold it is outside. I stick to my position and listen to myself instead of my mom, and am then too stubborn to admit I am cold. In this example, my stubbornness led to me getting sick because I was too cold without any layered clothing.

The virtue I chose for my letter “S” is self-reliant. Someone who is self-reliant is very independent and can complete a task on their own and does not need assistance from other people.  I can relate to being self-reliant because I am very independent for school and tasks that I am asked to complete in everyday life. I rarely ask for help or need other people’s help to complete an assignment/task.  An example of me being self-reliant is when I am assigned homework on something that I have not learned or understand, I tend to use my own resources and don't ask for a lot of help. I tend to complete assignments/tasks by myself and don’t rely on others to teach it to me.  Being self-reliant, I like to work more by myself than in groups for school projects because I know that I will complete the project faster and easier by myself.

The author's comments:

This piece is meant to relate to others and is very personable to me.

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