My Scary Roller Coaster | Teen Ink

My Scary Roller Coaster

May 13, 2019
By Anonymous

As we are on the bus to Knotts Berry Farm, I think about whether or not to ride the roller coasters. I think about the anxiety I have and the embarrassment I would feel if I were to throw up, black out, or get stuck on a ride. I want to impress those I am here with since they are all the top achievers of the Junior Class so embarrassment cannot be an option. Also, I do not want to be that one person who “isn’t fun” for not going on the rides. I am not yet socially stable with this group of people, and in high school, it’s all about your cliques and friends.

When we get to the park, the first thing that the power couple wants to do is ride the biggest, most exhilarating rides there. Since this power couple wants too of course now I have to and not be a buzz kill. When we arrive at Ghost Rider I am relieved that the workers say is closed for the day but it doesn’t get any better when Xcelerator comes into the picture.

Xcelerator goes from zero to sixty miles per hour in less than a second and shoots straight up. I heard that when you look at it from the side, it’s so tall, it wobbles a little. Xcelerator is a really LOUD ride with clicks, air being released, the ride moving backward, and then people screaming when it moves forward. On the outside I look like I am having fun but on the inside I am screaming and cold and about to faint and just want to ditch this ride. But I can’t be THAT person. We walk right up to the gates where they let us on the ride.

While we are waiting I hear an electronic voice repeating, “Please keep all body parts in the ride at all times. Take off any sunglasses, hats, or loose articles and place them in the cubbies.”

A cart full of smiling people approaches and I am still scared halfway to hell. Not only do I have a lot of anxiety but the people were talking about how scary the ride was. When their seatbelts were released for them to get up, most couldn’t walk in a straight line.

“Shut up, calm down, and get on the damn ride,” I tell myself. “Everything is going to be fine. It’s very rare for a rollercoaster to break down and because physics day has a bunch of young adults attending they are going to be even more strict about the safety of the rides.” Melina and I are sitting side by side. The workers in charge of the ride push down on the seatbelts and pull up saying I am all set. Quitze and Jeremy behind us with a clean bill as well. Now Matthew and Megan are in front of us and Matthew couldn’t fit in the ride with his “boot” on so he had to take it off and put on his shoes. This means all the seatbelts had to be lifted up and we had to wait about 2 minutes. Now if you have ever been terrified to do something, two minutes feels like an eternity. So I am just sitting in my seat with the anticipation of dying and my heart in my throat. They come around and check our seatbelts again, this time not as thorough, just a quick glance and pull up and then they send us off! We go flying all screaming and I can’t hear anything but the sound of my heart beat and the really high pitch screaming coming from three rows ahead. I feel my ears burn and I can’t breathe. We get to the top of the highest climb and my ears pop.

I yell at Megan, “Are you alive?!?!?!?!”

She responds with, “YEAHHHHH!!!!”

We head down to God knows where because we couldn’t see the track below. Jerk left, jerk right, and every jerk I tighten my hands just a little bit more and feel the seat press into my shoulders and sides. We come to a screeching halt and I pop my ears again.

I feel the blood rush back into my legs and pop my ears. I say to Jeremy, “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.”

He responds with, “Yeah lets do it again.”

I see Quitze give him that smile that says, “See? I told you it wasn’t going to be bad.” And sure enough, two seconds later she says the exact same thing.

The ride starts slowly moving back to the platform again and the seatbelts lift up. I try to stand and my legs are wobbly. I can’t walk in a straight line, and I feel like I am about to pass out. I scream in my head, GET OVER IT! YOUR DONE! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SHAKING??? Once we exit the coaster, the effects have worn off and I feel great again.

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