A Summer to Remember | Teen Ink

A Summer to Remember

March 5, 2019
By Anonymous

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better” - Albert Einstein. Nature is amazing. There are so many sights, smells, and sounds that evoke a sense of awe in you. Three summers ago, my family took a road trip to Yosemite, the Redwoods, and Bear Valley. Even though that seems like ages ago, I still remember everything very vividly.

First stop was Yosemite. I remember getting there and being overwhelmed with everything around me. The air was hot and humid, and the bright sun beat down. There were tons of people there. It was like Disneyland. The first view I saw was the grey mountains. The huge rocks were surrounded by green trees and blue water. We went down to a picnic spot where we ate sweet green grapes and drank cold bottled water. My surroundings amazed me. It was like being trapped inside a painting.

Second stop was Bear Valley. Driving to and around Bear Valley was probably my favorite part of being there. I loved watching the green forest blur past my window. I would put my earbuds in, and listen to music while we drove. We were staying at my grandparent’s cabin there and it was warm and cozy. It brought me back to when we used to go there when I was little. Even the smell of the woods and the dusty scent of the old cabin brought me back.

Third stop was the Redwoods. It’s crazy how small you can feel when standing next to the huge redwood trees. When I looked up, the trees seemed to go on forever. The red tinted bark and the green trees were beautiful. I loved the woodsy smell that had a scent of pine and forest. If I stopped and listened, I would hear the sound of the rustling leaves, birds chirping, and the faded voices of people nearby.

You can experience so much if you just stop and appreciate your surroundings. We are so lucky to have bodies that can touch, taste, hear, smell, and see. It becomes so normal that we take it for granted sometimes. These three places made me appreciate nature and everything that God has created. I will always remember that summer as a cool experience that evoked awe in me.

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This piece is about a nature experience.

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