WINTER AWE POINT 2. 1 | Teen Ink


March 5, 2019
By Anonymous

There are few moments in nature that’s leave me completely in awe. I am someone that appreciates what nature offers whether it’s taking a mountain drive or relaxing by the lake with my best friends.In the cooler months,if there is enough rain,you can see mountain tops begin to appear capped in a snowy drizzle.The world stops when i hear my mom chattering to me about “a surprise that’s i get to go in the morning” and the feeling of excitement takes over.

I felt a rush of excitement through my body,as i enter the crisp winter.Racing through pajamas striped trees,with pockets of light embracing the snowy coats of the forest.There is a sense of stillness and not a bird in sight,while grey,shadowy,dark clouds loom in the horizon.Everywhere you look,you see mountains painted in white snow.As the dark clouds move closer,snow begins to slowly fall and cover the forest as if it were a Christmas present wrapped in a shimmery silver white paper,leaving every witness in awe of the gift.

The sound of silence in the snowy forest is so quiet you could hear a pin drop in the velvety snow,or at least you could Until we started walking.The sound of each footstep hitting the ground culminate in an orchestra of load crunches.While we walked,we started to hear faint laughter off in the distance. Apparently weren’t the only ones that thought it was a perfect day to sled!The wind is howling now through the trees,until it suddenly stops and it is silent again.

The feeling of a cold embrace runs through my tired body.My heart races at the thought of marching up the painted hill only to reach the top in hopes,that i can sled down it faster than the last time.Time moves slow until i sit down on the sled,as the anxiety pumps up,i feel the icy slope.Feeling the adrenaline and excitement of the adventure,i repeat this over and over to get the maximum joy out of it.

To this day, I still remember the sights,the sound and the feelings of being at the snow.It’s a view beyond compare.It’s a peaceful silence that puts the mind at ease. It’s a feeling of comfort an overall awe-stricken experience,i hope to never forget!

The author's comments:

My favorite season is winter 

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