The Girl who Is Doubted | Teen Ink

The Girl who Is Doubted

February 20, 2019
By Anonymous

i know i can concure anything in my way. my parents doubt me in that. i know what i can do. they say i dont know how to do that, or i cant do that, im not capable. its an ongoing fight.

people at school doubt me. they think since im a short, overweight girl, i cant be strong, i cant be scary. when i try, they just laugh. if they only knew.

everyone doubts me, because i have issues. they laugh or tease when im being me. i know im odd. half the time people think i cant do it because i have ADHD(atention deficit hyperactive disorder) and ODD(oppotional defiance disorder) which makes me stuggle. 

im tired of it. i know i can beat them all, but, i cant, i dont want to get in trouble. 

i am the girl who is doubted, and i am starting to believe it. 

The author's comments:

this is who i am, and this is how i feel

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