Beneath the Waves | Teen Ink

Beneath the Waves

February 11, 2019
By sf133501 BRONZE, Hemet, California
sf133501 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You miss 100% of the shots you dont take

To my left there was empty beach for miles and miles all around that eventually fed into the neverending sea. To my right was a barricade of large rocks that made for a private and peaceful area to think. Straight ahead was a kind yet at points unforgiving ocean with steady waves.The life that it held within its grasp was endless. As the saltwater breeze blew through my short golden brown hair I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could hear the repetitive harmony of the great water singing its sweet lullaby in my ear. I took a moment and layed back to look the the gloomy cloud clustered sky which as usual had a few birds fluttering their hopeful wings in attempt to spot their next meal. As I lay on the snow like sand I could think of nothing that would be more suiting in that moment than to enjoy every aspect of it. Every muscle relaxed as I sat up and gazed into the ocean, wondering all that could be out their. I found myself slowly getting up and walking toward the water that continued its mesmerizing song. As the water slowly inched up from my ankle to me knee I notice that the water was warm, as though I was back home stilling in a hot tub. I inched farther, now engulfing my waist and my stomach. I felt the different currents pulling at me and causing me to walk in a zigzag line. Suddenly a wave swept my feet and I slowly began to go under the water, however I was not fearful contrary to past experiences. I looked up and saw through the clear salt water an assortment of alluring  colors. As my body drew to the surface I saw another masterpiece of a wave. This time when it crashed the backlash of the wave brought my head to the surface and my body shortly followed. I allowed myself to float and go with what felt like the flow of the universe. It carried me for awhile, back and forth, back and forth until I met a soft landing back on my beach. I walked forward until I was out of the waters reach. With my rock wall to on side and my miles of clear beach to another. I lay my head back on the snow like sand and once more gassed at the sky clustered with clouds, listening to the sweet harmonies of the great ocean. This was peace.

The author's comments:

This was a feeling of peace.

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