Being Judged by a Security Guard | Teen Ink

Being Judged by a Security Guard

December 21, 2018
By Raymond14 SILVER, Sacramento, California
Raymond14 SILVER, Sacramento, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep moving forward

A time when someone misjudged me was when I was in 9th grade my freshman year and my friends asked me if I wanted to go to foodmax.

And usually I don't like going to other places besides school because every time I go somewhere with my friends they end up doing something bad like stealing or maybe jumping on somebody's car.

i’m always the one who gets in trouble or gets caught like a dummy so while we are walking from Burbank to foodmax my homies are saying that who's going to pay for the snacks this time so we didn't know who was gonna pay for the snacks so while we get to foodmax with our backpacks the security guard look at us in a funny way but we ignored it, when we got into the store the security guard followed us around the store  because we had our backpacks on and he thought we were going to steal something.


The security guard ask us if he could check our bags because it look like we didn’t buy anything, but i guess he thought we stole something because kids now steal a lot of thing and get away with it like it’s nothing. So i told the security guard that he cannot check our bags because we didn’t steal anything, after that happened i gave him the receipt so he could look at it then when he look at it he was like sorry guys i thought you guys were stealing because you had your backpacks with you but i told him that you thought that we were stealing because we are black kids and because we had our bags so after we left the store me and my homies just laughed it off because we thought it was funny at the moment then the rest of the day we just chilled and ate our snacks.   


The author's comments:

I don't like being judged by security guard

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