Other Worldly Joy | Teen Ink

Other Worldly Joy

December 3, 2018
By Anonymous

With a tenacious smell of butter and salt that hits me point-blank shaking me to my core and causes my nostrils to flare, I know where I am. It’s a familiar place, somewhat closer and more fond than the air that I need to breathe. The neon cosmopolitan lights flash and flicker across my eyes like a shooting star filling me with amazement. Memories of sweet times that are uncontrollable to hold back flood and consume my mind and I am at peace. Life has stopped for a while and the everyday issues and worries are in vain. As the transparent double doors swing open, the screen catches my eyes by surprise and locks them in place, I am still, in bliss and wanting nothing more.

As I embark on this adventure, the complex is filled with an anonymous amount of people who I have never met before but are all there in communion not knowing so. The ground is covered with a hard carpet that is like sandpaper and has a slight rainbow design on it with deep ridges between thread to thread that is eye catching. It’s rough around the edges and seems like it’s been there before the building was made but has charm. In front of me are booths selling all types of replenishable foods that are impossible to resist. From corn seeds baked to a perfect fluff that melts as it lands gracefully upon your tastebuds and sweet pullable taffy, soft and mailable, that can be shared with friends is a must. In all of this, memories of past experiences
and maybe future ones are resurfacing and developing simultaneously and I become overwhelmed with delight.

Walking down either the left or right turn is something special. The walls are painted with posters that are selling other worldly experiences, fear, adventure, laughter, and tears. These are not usually ready to be sold, they are waiting, festering, and creating excitement towards itself as we wait for them to be released. Like the Great Flood they will one day pour emotions upon us like waves crashing against the shore and we would give an arm and leg to have this happen. Not to torture ourselves, but to escape from our own reality and trials and tribulations of daily life.

The path is now clear, not failing but strong. I look forward towards the horizon ahead of me and enter the great hall, with skies large in height, they look bottomless because of its black complexion. Though through the darkness you can still see the speckled stars across the walls. The steps ahead lead me to my destination. They are lit by dim yellowish-orange lights that barely light up the walkway enough to see. Virgin eyes think they blind while the wise complain of its bare presence. It provides just enough brightness to be able to reach your seat. The atmosphere is anxious for the event to begin and I look down to realize that I had been fidgeting with my fingers and my leg was shaking uncontrollably. But, a throne awaits me, providing a comforting air cloud to lay my tired vessel apon. That thrown isn’t perfect, rough and worn it holds a story, one you will further. The room is cold and smells like a mukbang. Consumed, the air is a mixture of all foods brought in by others.

The journey is one filled with highs and lows, bumpy and uneven. Even though, we are cemented in our seats and the longer we stay in this place the harder it is to leave. Should I dance on the heights or make my bed in the depths. No matter which I choose an odyssey awaits. Partaking in these provide me a way out. When the dawn comes with wings or I find myself on the far-side of the sea, there is this to reel me back in. For many others it does the same, calling for a hearing. In where you dissect the meaning of what just happened, like a surgeon we recall our practices that took our life’s to learn and use them to go deeper. Discussing what had previously captured us and what had us lost like the sheep blindly sent into the desert. A western space opera that is entwined with heavy hitting subjects like the bloody reality of war, the choking effect of twisted politics, and is based around the greatest story of all time, filled with power behind its words, can create a story that is compelling to all ages is an ideal example. Such things cannot be conformed to just words but rather have to be placed before our eyes to see. Even the penniless find ways to scavenge resources to make it here. The sight might be overwhelming with its complexity but, its beauty is worth it.

As my departure begins, my stark reality cuts deep, slicing and trying to tear my emotional connection to the previous events. The darkness tries to consume my thoughts once again but, my mind still drifts on a endless sea. Rocking and swaying to the beat of my heart, giving me and continual lapse in life. A way to recharge your batteries that were once drained and overused. No longer are they acid covered but are shiny and springing with ultimate power.

The author's comments:

Im a junior in highschool and have an description essay about the beutiful experience of going to the movies

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