Untitled | Teen Ink


November 14, 2018
By 9cerny SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9cerny SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom of speech is joe. It’s a green camo blending with nature and armored vests and boots. It’s the thump of liberty stepping out the humvee. The men and women protecting our country. It’s campaign hats roaring and training the young men to fight.

Freedom of speech is a storm. It’s washing out greed and selfishness from the US. The world shocked with its nature. It’s tearing up the old roads and creating a whole new path. The path meant to lead americans to success.

Freedom of speech is the people. It’s the diversity of all the cultures and people. The waking up and learning a new thing. It’s a pool of many languages swimming side by side. The realization that you are all unique.

Freedom of speech is a river. It’s the sweet flow of water. The salmon jumping upstream to go lay eggs. It’s the natural curve of a river. The swishing of water bending around the rocks.

Freedom of speech are campaign hats roaring. It’s forest green camo blended with armored vests and boots. The thump of liberty stepping out the humvee. It’s the men and woman protecting our country. The Freedom of speech is joe.

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