Bamboo Bombardment | Teen Ink

Bamboo Bombardment

November 8, 2018
By Anonymous

One scorching hot 2011 day in Santa Cruz, California. My parents decided to go somewhere for the day. Being the homeschool kids me and my brother were, we got a bit bored sometimes. Me as my six year old self and my brother as a ten year old were not the smartest of people. We were both getting bored as we had nothing to entertain us, so we decided to play outside. We were exploring the mysteries of our yard and found a bundle of bamboo. “ How fun!” I thought to myself. Ideas were popping into me and my brothers heads. We each grasped a piece of bamboo and started hurling them towards each other like spears, and dodging each piece.

It was inevitable that something bad would happen sometime somehow, but of course we did not have the slightest bit of worry. My brother picked up a humongous piece of bamboo, he placed in it his hand and held it like a javelin ready to soar through the sky. I had the bright idea to wait till it was right next to me then jump out of the way. The bamboo was soaring towards me, immediately when I was about to sprint out of the way the heavy stick smacked me in the face.

Blood started gushing out of my wound. My brother ran towards me to see if I was ok, the bamboo hit me right above my eye. We rushed inside and cleaned up the cut. My parents were home soon and helped clean it. My brother and I thought it through and figured that we could have made better decisions and thought about what we were going to do before acting. After these events occurred we were able to laugh about it, and learn from our mistakes. We both learned a very valuable lesson from this experience. We both analyzed the situation and learned that we should think about the consequences before we act.               

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Language Arts assignment.

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