Don’t Fart and Blame It On Other People | Teen Ink

Don’t Fart and Blame It On Other People

November 8, 2018
By M1dgetB0169 BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
M1dgetB0169 BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lying is not a good thing to do. I learned this mainly from one particular experience. Now I will bring you through the story that made me realize not to blame things on others.

One Thursday afternoon in seventh grade my friend Blake and I were chosen to go read in a tiny little reading tent in the corner of the room. Our teacher, Mrs. Cloutier, had told us not to mess around or we would be moved. Blake and I being our normal selves started to chat in the tent.

“York and Blake”, Mrs. Cloutier said, “this is you first warning. If I hear you goofing off again you will be moved.” Me and Blake realized that we should probably tune it down a little so we continued to read our book. A few moments passed and I felt an oncoming sensation. My stomach started to cramp, and I was starting to get hot and sweaty. Then it happened. My butt cheeks started to vibrate as one of the loudest farts I have ever heard spread around the hot, cramped, little tent.

“Blake!” I shouted. “That’s disgusting!” Seconds after I said this, I could feel all the eyes of our fellow classmates staring at the little tent. Considering I yelled the name of my friend quite loud, I could only imagine that all of my classmates were thinking that Blake was a weirdo cause it would not have been the first time he had done this. “Are you serious bro?” Blake whispered.

“What?” I replied, “You are the one with a reputation to fart quite a bit.” By now, Blake was thinking over what I had just said.

“I guess you’re not wrong,” Blake finally said. “I’m still mad that you blamed it on me.” At this point I was pondering how Mrs. Cloutier had not moved us out of the tent.

“Ok,” I replied, “It’s a fart, I don’t care.”

“Yeah, but I do because everyone thought I did it!” proclaimed Blake.

Blake was mad at me for a few more minutes and then we were good. We did not get moved out of the tent and the smell of the fart had passed. One lesson I learned was not to blame things on other people because they could get mad at you.

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